Labor and Working Class Teaching Resources

Ann: a new web resource

LAWCHA's teaching resources committee invites you all to take a look at our first initiative. Rosemary Feurer's extensive webography is now available by navigating over to LAWCHA's homepage [url][/url] and clicking on the link, "Labor and Working Class Teaching Resources: A New Index," which appears in the middle of the screen under the section entitled, "LAWCHA News."

We hope that this will helpful to you in your teaching. If you find resources missing, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Rosemary who will be updating and maintaining the site.

This project is a work in progress and Rosemary is open to your suggestions. Eventually the site will have drop down menus and will be searchable. Any of your ideas that Rosemary incorporates will be credited to you on the site. Please send any suggestions, including important books on the book page- maybe your own-- to Rosemary: [mailto][/mailto]. Any other suggestions for the committee? Send them directly to Randi Storch: [mailto][/mailto].

Labor And Working Class History Association