Snowden Archive - UN|COMMONS - "Leaks As World Heritage"

Announcement, Berliner Gazette, Berlin, Germany

In the past years the Berliner Gazette has been stimulating various debates and practical processes to work out ways to deal with the Snowden documents in a responsible, sustainable and, above all, democratic manner.

At the Berliner Gazette UN|COMMONS-conference October 22-24 in Berlin, we will pick up on some of those issues in five parallel workshops, where more than 100 committed citizens from all over Europe (and beyond) will work together on storytelling projects or position papers tackling issues such as "Public Trust For Big Data" or "Leaks As World Heritage". The common question being: How can we collectively design our digital environment in the post-Snowden era? More info soon!

Against this backdrop we are really excited, that eventually a first big step to wards the "commoning" of the Snowden documents has been undertaken in Canada, where the "Digital Snowden Surveillance Archive" was recently launched.

One of its main initiators, Andrew Clement, wrote a text about it for the Berliner Gazette, which we just translated into German:

This text is based on an interview conducted by the editorial team of the Berliner Gazette with Andrew Clement, while additional info on the archive technology was provided by George Raine, the archivist who designed and built the archive.

The English original version is attached in PDF format, and published in a separate post:
