1999 - 157 (March)

Articles in this issue

Beyond Regional Analisys: Manufacturing Zones, Regional Employment and Spatial Inequality in China

Pages: 1 - 21

Self-Employment in Shanghai: A Research Note

Pages: 22 - 43

From Organized Dependence to Disorganized Despotism: Changing Labour Regimes in Chinese Factories

Pages: 44 - 71

Human Capital Development in an Emerging Economy: The Experience of Shenzhen, Chin: A Research Note

Pages: 72 - 114

Chinese Central-provincial Fiscal Relationships, Budgetary Decline and the Impact of the 1995 Fiscal Reform: An Evaluation

Pages: 115 - 141

State Repression and Student Protest in Contemporary China

Pages: 142 - 172

Dilemmas of "Thought Work" in Fin de Ciècle China

Pages: 173 - 201

Research Note

implementation of State Family Planning Programmes in a Northern Chinese Village

Pages: 202 - 230

Book review, by Lucian W. Pye

China's Transition

Pages: 231 - 232

Book review, by Jude Howell

Civil Society in China

Pages: 232 - 233

Book review, by Ann Kent

New Ghosts, Old Ghosts: Prisons and Labor Reform Camps in China

Pages: 233 - 234

Book review, by Qungjie James Wang

Confucianism and Human Rights

Pages: 235 - 236

Book review, by Lev Deliusin

Sovremennaya kitaiskaya ekonomicheskaya mysl'

Pages: 236 - 237

Book review, by Scott Rozelle

Agricultural Development in China, 1949-1989: The Collected Papers of Kenneth R. Walker

Pages: 237 - 238

Book review, by John W. Garver

Battling Western Imperialism: Mao, Stalin and the United States

Pages: 238 - 241

Book review, by O.A. Westad

Vietnamese Communists' Relations with China and the Second Indochina Conflict, 1956-1962

Pages: 241 - 242

Book review, by Gregor Benton

Mao's Generals: Chen Yi and the New Fourth Army

Pages: 242 - 243

Book review, by Hans van de Ven

Underground: The Shanghai Communist Party and the Politics of Survival, 1927-1937

Pages: 243 - 245

Book review, by Jon Kowallis

Lu Xun and Evolution

Pages: 245 - 246

Book review, by Paul Pickowicz

Cinese Modernism in the Era of Reforms: Cultural Fever, Avant-garde Fiction and the New Chinese Cinema

Pages: 246 - 248

Book review, by Bernhard Fuehrer

Chinese Poetry: An Anthology of Major Modes and Genres

Pages: 248 - 249

Book review, by Rachel Harris

Peking Opera

Pages: 249 - 250

Book review, by T.H. Marrett

Chinese Paper Offerings

Pages: 250 - 251