1999 - 159 (September)

Articles in this issue

The People's Republic of China After 50 Years

Pages: 563 - 568

An Overview of 50 Years of the People's Republic of China: Some Progress, but Big Problems Remain

Pages: 569 - 579

The People's Republic of China at 50: National Political Reform

Pages: 580 - 594

Political Movements, Change and Stability: The Chinese Communist Party in Power

Pages: 595 - 605

The People's Republic of China at 50: The Economy

Pages: 606 - 615

Two Decades of Rural Reform in China: An Overview and Assessment

Pages: 616 - 628

Demolishing Partitions: Back to Beginnings in the Cities?

Pages: 629 - 639

The Environment in the People's Republic of China 50 Years On

Pages: 640 - 649

China's Foreign Relations: The Long March, Future Uncertain

Pages: 650 - 659

The People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic at 50: Reform at Last

Pages: 660 - 672

The Chinese Legal System: Continuing Commitment to the Primacy of State Power

Pages: 673 - 683

Social Welfare Reform: Trends and Tensions

Pages: 684 - 699

Politically-Engaged Intellectuals in the 1990s

Pages: 700 - 711

Art in China since 1949

Pages: 712 - 722

Literary Decorum or Carnivalistic Grotesque: Literature in the People's Republic of China after 50 Years

Pages: 723 - 732

Obituary, by Bonnie S. McDougall and Michael Hockx

Helmut Martin

Pages: 733 - 734

Book review, by Joseph Fewsmith

China's Quest for Modernization: A Historical Perspective

Pages: 735 - 736

Book review, by Julia C. Strauss

Provincial Passages: Culture, Space and the Origins of Chinese Communism

Pages: 736 - 737

Book review, by Hans van de Ven

China at War, 1901-1949

Pages: 737 - 738

Book review, by Marie-Claire Bergère

Les Origins de la révolution chinoise, 1915-1949 (third edition, revised)

Pages: 739 - 740

Book review, by Stuart R. Schram

Mao Zedong's World View. From Youth to Yanan

Pages: 740 - 741

Book review, by Richard Madsen

The Temple of Memories: History, Power and Morality in a Chinese Village

Pages: 741 - 743

Book review, by Michael Schoenhals

The Cultural Revolution: A Bibliography, 1966-1996

Pages: 744 - 745

Book review, by Ramon H. Myers

Doctoral Dissertations on China and on Inner Asia, 1976-1990

Pages: 745 - 746

Book review, by Borge Bakken

Imperfect Conceptions: Medical Knowledge, Birth Defects and Eugenics in China

Pages: 746 - 748

Book review, by Stanley Lubman

To Steal a Book is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization

Pages: 748 - 749

Book review, by On Kit Tam

XChina's Financial System under Transition

Pages: 749 - 751

Book review, by Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao

Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection

Pages: 751 - 752

Book review, by Joseph McDermott

A History of Chinese Civilization (second edition)

Pages: 753 - 754

Book review, by Stevan Harrell

Tha Manchus

Pages: 754 - 755

Book review, by John W. Witek, S.J.

The Cultural Contributions of British Protestant Missionaries and British-American Cooperation to China's National Development During the 1920s

Pages: 755 - 756

Book review, by Jung-fang Tsai

Chinese Business Groups in Hong Kong and Political Change in South China, 1900-1925

Pages: 757 - 758

Book review, by Irving Epstein

The Power of Words: Literacy and Revolution in South CHina, 1949-95

Pages: 758 - 760

Book review, by Howard Goldblatt

The Rise-Sprout SongThe Rouge of the North

Pages: 760 - 761

Book review, by Li Ruru

Theater and Society: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Drama

Pages: 761 - 763

Book review, by Alex McKay

The Struggle for Modern Tibet: The Autobiography of Tashi Tsering

Pages: 763 - 764

Book review, by Hugh D.R. Baker

The Encyclopedia of the CHinese Overseas

Pages: 764 - 765