2001 - 4 (October)

Articles in this issue

Editorial Foreword

Pages: 649 - 650

Postcolonial Remediation

Beyond Settler and Native as Political Identities: Overcoming the Political Legacy of Colonialism

Pages: 651 - 664

Group Talk

Modernity, Cultural Reasoning, and the Institutionalization of Social Inequality: Racializing Death in a Venezuelan Cholera Epidemic

Pages: 665 - 700

Corporatist Discourse and Heavy Industry in Wilhelmine Germany: Factory Culture and Employer Politics in the Saar

Pages: 701 - 734

Coin of the Realm

The Value of Coins in a Sakalava Polity: Money, Death, and Historicity

Pages: 735 - 762

Of Coins and Conquest: The East African Currency Board , the Rupee Crisis, and the Problem of Colonialism in the East African Protectorate

Pages: 763 - 787

Counting People

From Commune to Household Statistics and the Social Construction of Chaianov's Theory of Peasant Economy

Pages: 788 - 818

Cents, Sense, Census: Human Inventories in Late Precolnial and Early Colonial India

Pages: 819 - 850

CSSH Discussion

Beyond Marx and Hintze? Third-Wave Theories of Early Modern State Formation

Pages: 851 - 861

CSSH Notes

Contested Communities: Class, Gender, and Politics in Chile's El Teniente Copper Mine, 1904–1951

Pages: 862 - 863

CSSH Notes

Ethnicity and Populist Mobilization, Political Parties, Citizens and Democracy in South India

Pages: 863 - 864