2000 - 2 (April-June)

Articles in this issue

Hindu women, Muslim men: Cleavages in shared spaces of everyday life, United Provinces, c. 1890-1930

Pages: 121 - 149

Valorising the 'vulgar': Nationalist appropriations of colloquial Bengali traditions, c. 1870-1905

Pages: 151 - 183

Science, nationalism, and colonial contestations: P.C. Ray and his Hindu Chemistry

Pages: 185 - 213

Representing 'his' women: Mirza Abu Talib Khan's 1801 'Vindication of the liberties of Asiatic women'

Pages: 215 - 237

Book review, by Carol Upadhya

Signposts: Gender Issues in Post-Independence India

Pages: 239 - 241

Book review, by Carol Upadhya

Resisting the Sacred and the Secular: Women's Activism and Politicized Religion in South Asia

Pages: 239 - 241

Book review, by Sandria Freitag

A Despotism of Law: Crime and Justice in Early Colonial India

Pages: 241 - 243

Book review, by Mani Shekhar Singh

The Rhetoric of Power in the Bayeux Tapestry

Pages: 244 - 245

Book review, by Sanjay Subrahmanyam

Architecture and Art of the Deccan Sultanates. The New Cambridge History of IndiaI:7

Pages: 246 - 247

Book review, by Vijay Prashad

Dalits in Modern India: Vision and Values

Pages: 247 - 249

Book review, by Roma Chatterji

Anthropological Journeys. Reflections on Fieldwork

Pages: 249 - 251

Book review, by Rowena Robinson

The Construction of a Political Community: Integration and Identity in Goa

Pages: 251 - 253

Book review, by Bidyut Chakrabarty

The Marginal Nation: Transborder Migration from Bangladesh to West Bengal

Pages: 253 - 255

Book review, by Renu Addlaka

The Tovil Healing Ritual of Sri Lanka Culture-Specific Psychotherapy

Pages: 255 - 257