2001 - 2 (April-June)

Articles in this issue

REmains of the race: Archaeology, nationalism, and the yearning for civilisation in the Indus valley

Pages: 105 - 145

Development and death: Reinterpreting malaria, economics and ecology in British India

Pages: 147 - 179

Imperial policy and the decline of the Bengal salt industry under colonil rule: An episode in the 'de-industrialisation' process

Pages: 181 - 205

Book review, by Nivedita Menon

Off the Beaten Track: Rthinking Gender Justice for Indian Women

Pages: 207 - 209

Book review, by Carol Upadhya

Institutions and Inequalities: Essays in Honour of André Béteille

Pages: 209 - 211

Book review, by Douglas E. Haynes

Traditional Industry in the Economy of Colonial India

Pages: 211 - 214

Book review, by David Gilmartin

Gender, Slavery and Law in Colonial India

Pages: 214 - 216

Book review, by Cynthia Talbot

Rethinking India's Oral and Classical Epics: Draupadi among Rajputs, Muslims and Dalits

Pages: 216 - 218

Book review, by Gail Minault

Carving Blocs: Communal Ideology in Twentieth-Century Bengal

Pages: 218 - 220

Book review, by Pulin Nayak

Imagng Sound: An Ethnomusicological Study of Music, Art and Culture in Mughal India

Pages: 220 - 222