1999 - 2 (May)

Articles in this issue

Editorial Note

Pages: 141 - 142

Everyday Constructions of Culture and Class: The Case of Youngstown Steelworkers

Pages: 143 - 176

Books That Didn't Influence Me

Pages: 177 - 188

Symposium on Julie Greene: Pure and Simple Politics

What Did Gompers Start?

Pages: 189 - 192

American Labor Politics AFL-Style

Pages: 192 - 196

Not So Simple

Pages: 196 - 201

Response: Reassessing Gompers and the AFL

Pages: 201 - 206

Symposium on Halpern and Horowitz: Packinghouse Unionism

Race, Party, and Packinghouse Exceptionalism

Pages: 207 - 212

Saga of a Broad Spectrum Union

Pages: 212 - 215

Meat and Men

Pages: 216 - 219

Cases and Theory

Pages: 219 - 222

Dismembering Heroic Unions

Pages: 222 - 226

Getting to Grips with the CIO: The Significance of the Packinghouse Experience

Pages: 226 - 230

The National Versus the Local: A Response to Commentators

Pages: 231 - 235

Books Reviewed. Review by Tim Lockley

Masters, Slaves and Subjects: The Culture of Power in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1740- 1790

Pages: 237 - 238

Review by Tim Lockley

Seizing the New Day: African Africans in Post Civil War Charleston

Pages: 237 - 238

Review by Robert M. Zecker

Building Little Italy: Philadephia's Italians Before Mass Migration

Pages: 239 - 240

Review by Peter A. Coclanis

Holy Warriors: The Abolitionists and American Slavery

Pages: 240 - 241

Review by Robert E. Weir

All-American Anarchist: Joseph A. Labadie and the Labor Movement

Pages: 241 - 242

Review by Dermot Quinn

Unemployment in Ireland: Alternative Perspectives

Pages: 242 - 243

Review by John P. Tuman

Latin America: Economy and Society, Since 1930

Pages: 243 - 244

Review by Thomas Klubock

The Idea of the Middle Class: White-Collar Workers and Peruvian Society, 1900-1950

Pages: 244 - 245

Notes on Contributors

Page: 247