1999 - 77 (November)

Articles in this issue

Australian Labour Intellectuals

Australian Labour Intellectuals: an Introduction

Pages: 1 - 10

'The day of the Just Reasoner': T.A. Coghlan and the Labour Public Sphere in Late Nineteenth Century Australia

Pages: 11 - 26

Activist Academic: Lloyd Churchwand as a Labour Intellectual

Pages: 27 - 43

'A rare shift in public thinking': Jack Mundey and the New South Wales Builders Labourers' Federation

Pages: 44 - 63

The rise of the Modern Labour Technocrat: Intellectual Labour and the Transformation of the Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, 1973-85

Pages: 64 - 78

Other Articles

The Labour History Society (ASSLH): A Memoir of its First Twenty Years

Pages: 83 - 96

Bernard O'Dowd's Socialism

Pages: 97 - 116

A Bid for Affirmative Action: Annie Golding and the New South Wales Public School Teachers' Association, 1900-15

Pages: 117 - 139

A Surprising Struggle? The AMIEU (Qld) and the Fight for Equal Wages in the Meat Processing and Export Industry in the 1950s and 1960s

Pages: 140 - 159

Transience, Community and Class: a Study of Brisbane's East Ward, 1879-91

Pages: 160 - 189

'The Child is Not a Servant': Children, Work and the Boarding Out Scheme in New South Wales, 1880-1920

Pages: 190 - 206

Penelope Bourke Revisited

Pages: 207 - 218

Book review, by Tom Griffiths

True Gardens of the Gods: Californian-Australian Environmental Reform, 1860-1930

Pages: 219 - 220

Book review, by Kevin Jones

Alien to Citizen: Settling Migrants in Australia 1945-75

Pages: 220 - 222

Book review, by Tom Sheridan

John Dedman, A Most Unexpected Labor Man

Pages: 222 - 225

Book review, by Geoffrey Bolton

Isaac Isaacs (2nd edn)

Pages: 225 - 226

Book review, by Marilyn Lake

More Than a Hat and Glove Brigade: the Story of the Union of Australian Women

Pages: 226 - 227

Book review, by Erik Olssen

At the Coalface: the Human Face of Coal Miners and their Communities: an Oral History of the Early Days

Pages: 228 - 230

Book review, by Drew Cottle

Tales of the BLF ... Rolling the Right!

Pages: 230 - 232

Book review, by Lenore Layman

Outsourcing and Occupational Health & Safety: a Comparative Study of Factory-based and Outworkers in the Australian TCF Industry

Pages: 232 - 234

Book review, by Tom Frame

Cockatoo Island: Sydney's Historic Dockyard

Pages: 234 - 236

Book review, by John Lack

Leichhardt: On the Margins of the City

Pages: 236 - 238

Book review, by John Lack

A History of Wollongong

Pages: 236 - 238

Book review, by Tony Prescott

Guide to the Papers and Works of Max Kelly

Pages: 238 - 239

Book review, by Tamsin O'Connor

Forced Labour for the West: Parkhurst Convicts 'Apprenticed' in Western Australia, 1842-1852

Pages: 239 - 241

Book review, by Kay Saunders

On the Homefront: Western Australia and World War II

Pages: 241 - 242