1997 - 3 (July)

Articles in this issue

The Russian Revolution and Its Language in the Village

Pages: 323 - 345

Positive Heroes and the Pole: Celebrity Status, Socialist-Realist Ideals and the Soviet Myth of the Arctic, 1932-39

Pages: 346 - 365

Sculpting A Persona: The Path from Pushkin's Caucasian Journal to Puteshestvie v Arzrum

Pages: 366 - 382

Doktor Zhivago: Values versus Voodoo

Pages: 383 - 401

Film as Metatext and Myth: Shostakovitch on Screen

Pages: 402 - 424

Why Are the Cranes Still Flying?

Pages: 425 - 439

Literary Note

Goliadkin as Cinderella, Or the Case of the Lost Galosh

Pages: 440 - 444

Research Note

Anti-Soviet Svodki from the Civil War: Surveillance as a Shared Feature of Russian Political Culture

Pages: 445 - 450

Film Review

Prisoner of the Mountains

Page: 451

Book review, by Valery Petrochenkov

Christianity and the Eastern Slavs. Vol. 3. Russian Literature in Modern Times

Pages: 452 - 453

Book review, by John Kopper

Gogol's Aesthetics Compared to Major Elements of German Romaticism

Pages: 453 - 454

Book review, by Milica Banjanin

Baudelaire in Russia

Pages: 454 - 455

Book review, by John E. Malmstad

The Salon Album of Vera Sudeikin-Stravinsky

Page: 456

Book review, by Ruth Rischin

Ivan Bunin. From the Other Shore, 1920-1933: A Portrait from Letters, Diaries, and Fiction

Pages: 457 - 458

Book review, by R.D.B. Thomson

Mifopoetika A. Bloka: Istorikokul'turnyi i mifologicheskii kommentarii k dramam i poemam

Pages: 458 - 459

Book review, by Elena Glazov-Corrigan

Mandelstam the Reader

Pages: 459 - 460

Book review, by Daniel Albright

Stravinsky and the Russian Traditions: A Biography of the Works through Mavra

Pages: 460 - 461

Book review, by Jared Ingersoll-Casey

Beyond the Stars: The memoirs of Sergei Eisenstein

Pages: 461 - 462

Book review, by Susan Costanzo

Sergei Radlov: The Shakespearian Fate of a Soviet Director

Pages: 462 - 463

Book review, by Wendy Salmond

New Perspectives on Russian and Soviet Artistic Culture: Selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990

Pages: 463 - 464

Book review, by Daniel H. Kaiser

Medieval Russia, 980-1584

Pages: 464 - 465

Book review, by Chester Dunning

Pretenders and Popular Monarchism in Early Modern Russia: The False Tsars of the Time of Troubles

Pages: 465 - 466

Book review, by Max J. Okenfuss

Missio Moscovitiva: The Role of the Jesuits in the Westernization of Russia, 1582-1689

Pages: 466 - 467

Book review, by Greg Gaut

Christianity and the Eastern Slavs: Vol. 2. Russian Culture in Modern Times

Pages: 467 - 468

Book review, by Sidney Monas

Alexander Herzen: Letters from France and Italy, 1847-1851

Pages: 468 - 469

Book review, by Allen Sinel

Prelude to the Great Reforms: Avraam Sergeevich Norov and Imperial Russia in Transition

Pages: 469 - 470

Book review, by Barbara Evans Clements

Sonia's Daughters: Prostitutes and Their Regulation in Imperial Russia

Pages: 470 - 471

Book review, by Andre Liebich

Frauen auf dem Weg in die russische Sozialdemokratie, 1890-1917: Eine kollektive biographie

Pages: 471 - 472

Book review, by John Slatter

Anarchists en exil: Correspondence inéte de Pierre Kropotkine à Marie Goldsmith 1897-1917

Page: 472

Book review, by Rolf H.W. Theen

Lenin: A Political Life. Vol. 3. The Iron Ring

Pages: 472 - 473

Book review, by James K. Libbey

Loans and Legitimacy: The Evolution of Soviet-American Relations, 1919-1953

Page: 474

Book review, by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky

The Russian Tragedy: The Burden of History

Page: 475

Book review, by Romuald J. Misiunash

The Latvians: A Short History

Pages: 475 - 477

Book review, by Jeremy R. Azreal

Spies without Cloaks: The KGB's Successors

Pages: 477 - 478

Book review, by Gregory Gleason

Russians as the New Minority: Ethnicity and Nationalism in the Soviet Successor States

Page: 478

Book review, by Charles E. Gribble

The Dawn of Slavic: An Introduction to Slavis Philology

Page: 479