2002 - 4 (October)

Articles in this issue

Editorial Foreword

Pages: 635 - 637

Debating The Land Question In Africa

Pages: 638 - 668

Property In Writing, Property On The Ground: Pigs, Horses, Land, And Citizenship In The Aftermath Of Slavery, Cuba, 1880-1909

Pages: 669 - 699

1848 In 1998: The Politics Of Commemoration In Hungary, Romania, And Slovakia

Pages: 700 - 744

Narrative, Agency, And Mood: On The Social Construction Of National History In Scotland

Pages: 745 - 769

Rethinking The Modular Nation Form: Toward A Sociohistorical Conception Of Nationalism

Pages: 770 - 799

Legal And Political Discourse In Seventeenth-Century Venice

Pages: 800 - 826

Explaining Peasant-Farmer Hegemony In Redistributive Politics: Class-, Trade-, And Asset-Based Approaches

Pages: 827 - 851

CSSH Notes

Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed

Pages: 852 - 854

CSSH Notes

Frontiers of Historical Imagination: Narrating the European Conquest of Native America, 1890–1990 / Dominion and Civility: English Imperialism and Native America, 1585–1685

Pages: 854 - 856

CSSH Notes

Rereading the Conquest. Power, Politics, and the History of Early Colonial Michoacán, Mexico, 1521–1565

Pages: 856 - 857