1997 - supplement 5

Articles in this issue

The rise and decline of the male breadwinner family?

The Rise and Decline of the Male Breadwinner Family? An Overview of the Debate

Pages: 1 - 24

The Origins and Expansion of the Male Breadwinner Family: The Case of Nineteenth-Century Britain

Pages: 25 - 64

Gendered Exclusion: Domesticity and Dependence in Bengal

Pages: 65 - 86

Breadwinning Patterns and Family Exogenous Factors: Workers at the Tobacco Factory of Seville During the Industrialization Proces, 1887-1945

Pages: 87 - 128

Family, Work and Wages: The Stéphanois Region of France, 1840-1914

Pages: 129 - 152

Welfare State Attitudes to the Male Breadwinning System: The United States and Sweden in Comparative Perspective

Pages: 153 - 174

Comparing the Postwar Germanies: Breadwinner Ideology and Women's Employment in the Divided Nation, 1948-1970

Pages: 175 - 196