2005 - 1 (January-March)

Articles in this issue

Securing the rural citizen: The anti-Kallar movement of 1896

Pages: 1 - 39

Artisans, the state, and the politics of wajabi in eighteenth-century Jodhpur

Pages: 41 - 68

Taking stock of the Franks: South Asian views of Europeans and Europe, 1500-1800

Pages: 69 - 100

Unani medicine in the nineteenth-century public sphere: Urdu texts and the Oudh Akhbar

Pages: 101 - 129

Book Review by Sanjay Sharma

Sexuality, Obscenity, Community: Women, Muslims, and the Hindu Public in Colonial India

Pages: 131 - 134

Book Review by Anindita Mukhopadhyay

Remembering Partition: Violence, Nationalism and History in India

Pages: 134 - 138

Book Review by Anupama Rao

Untouchable Pasts: Religion, Identity, and Power among a Central Indian Community, 1780-1950

Pages: 138 - 141