2005 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue


Page: 251

Labour Party Revisionism and Public Expenditure: Divisions of Social Democratic Political Economy in the 1970s

Pages: 253 - 273

Interpreting Welfare Reform: Continuity and Change within the Social Democratic Tradition

Pages: 275 - 295

Theses and Dissertations on British and Irish Labour History, 2004. Theses and Dissertations on International Labour History, 2004

Pages: 297 - 319

Major Accessions to Repositories in 2004 relating to the Labour Movement

Pages: 321 - 324

British Labour History Publications 2004

Pages: 325 - 345

A Widening Embrace: The Pump House: People's History Museum, Manchester

Pages: 346 - 350

Book Reviews

Pages: 351 - 368