2006 - 1 (January)

Articles in this issue

Cultivating Wilderness: Environmentalism and Legacies of Early Christian Asceticism

Pages: 4 - 37

"So that Every Subject Knows How to Behave": Social Disciplining in Early Modern Bohemia

Pages: 38 - 78

How to Punish Indians: Law and Cultural Change in Early Colonial Mexico

Pages: 79 - 109

Goodness Is Elsewhere: The Rule of European Difference

Pages: 110 - 138

Difference in Memory

Pages: 139 - 168

Chronology, Succession, and Sovereignty: The Politics of Inka Historiography and Its Modern Interpretation

Pages: 169 - 199

Seeing a State: National Commemorations and the Public Sphere in India and Turkey

Pages: 200 - 232