2008 - 1

Articles in this issue


Page: 1

Two English immigrant families in Australia in the 19th century

Pages: 2 - 25

Placing sons and daughters in the church: Strategies used by the gentry of Central Catalonia to maintain social status in the 17th and 18th centuries

Pages: 26 - 41

Managing a large household. The gender division of work in orphanages in Dutch towns in the early modern period, 1580-1800

Pages: 42 - 57

Bound feet: How sexy were they?

Pages: 58 - 70

After father's death: Authority and conflict in the eighteenth-century French household

Pages: 71 - 84

Cooperation and coordination among siblings: Brothers' migration in France, 1870-1940

Pages: 85 - 105

Widows, children and assistance from society in urban Northern Europe 1890-1910

Pages: 105 - 117