2008 - 3 (December)

Articles in this issue

The Making of a 'Domestic' Life: Memories of a Working Woman

Pages: 253 - 268

The Labour Party and Retail Distribution, 1919-1951

Pages: 269 - 286

British Labour History Publications 2007

Pages: 287 - 321

Theses and dissertations on British and Irish Labour History 2007Theses and dissertations on International Labour History 2007

Pages: 322 - 335

The Soviet Politics of the Self in the 193os

Pages: 336 - 347

Book review by Barbara Humphries

Labour and the Countryside: The Politics of Rural Britain, 1918-1939

Pages: 348 - 349

Book review by Dan Weinbren

Labour's Lost Leader: The Life and politics of Will Crooks

Pages: 349 - 351

Book review by Alun Howkins

Swing Unmasked: The Agricultural Riots of 1830 to 1832 and their Wider Implication

Pages: 351 - 352

Book review by Stuart Howard

Pitmatic: The Talk of the North East

Pages: 352 - 353