2010 - 3

Articles in this issue

Widows and Economy

Pages: 215 - 221

Bequests to Widows and their Property in Early Modern England

Pages: 222 - 238

Rural Widows, Economy and Co-residence in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Pages: 239 - 254

Women between a New Marriage and an Independent Position: Rural Widows in Bohemia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

Pages: 255 - 270

Widows: Outsiders in Rural Economy and Society in Central European Villages, 1558-1750

Pages: 271 - 282

Revisiting the Decline in Remarriage in Early-modern Europe: The Case of Rheims in France

Pages: 283 - 297

Jewish-Gentile Intermarriage in Pre-war Amsterdam

Pages: 298 - 315

The Role of the Wedding Place. Community Context and Marital Timing in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Netherlands

Pages: 316 - 332

Marriage Relationships among Households in the Mid 19th Century Tama, Japan: Socioeconomic Homogamy, Geographical Endogamy and Kinship Networks

Pages: 333 - 347

Generational Discourse in Urban Youth Images: Private Letters and Popular Literature in the Case of Nuremberg's Tucher Family Around

Pages: 348 - 363