2010 - 2

Articles in this issue

The once and future Orpheus

Pages: 204 - 214

In eine bess're welt entrückt: Reflections on music and utopia

Pages: 215 - 231

A quest for harmony: The role of music in Robert Owen's New Lanark Community

Pages: 232 - 251

driving image of revolution: The Irish harp and its utopian spce in the eighteenth century

Pages: 252 - 273

Countess Almaviva and the carceral redemption: Introducing musical utopia into the prison walls

Pages: 274 - 292

The music of change: utopian transformation in aufstieg und Falle der Stadt Mahagonny and Der silbersee

Pages: 293 - 312

"Utopian Punk": The concept of the utopian in the creative practice of Björk

Pages: 313 - 331

William Kentridge: Five themes

Pages: 332 - 235

Book review by Eugene O'Brien

the science fiction handbook

Pages: 340 - 343

Book review by Richard M. Marshall

Marlene Epp

Pages: 343 - 348

Book review by Peter Fitting

Histoire transnationale de l'utopie

Pages: 348 - 357

Book review by Teresa Louro

Strands of Utopia: spaces of poetic work in twentieth-centurty France

Pages: 357 - 360

Book review by Jorge Bastos da Silva

Rtopiand dreams, apocalyptic nightmres: Globaliztion in recent Mexican and Chicano Narrative

Pages: 360 - 363

Book review by Genie Babb

Twenty-first century reflections on the early

Pages: 364 - 367

Book review by Genie Babb

Interdisciplinary essays

Pages: 368 - 371

Book review by Maria Teresa Lobo Castilho

Seeds of the Kingdom: Utopian communities in the Americas

Pages: 372 - 374

Book review by John R. Pfeiffer

Wired for War: The robotics revolution and conflict in the twenty-first century

Pages: 375 - 379

Book review by Márcia Lemos

L'épopée du possible: Ou l'rc-en-ciel des utopies (1800-1850)

Pages: 379 - 381

Book review by Sara Graça da Silva

Cadernos de literatura comparada: Utopia e espiritulidade

Pages: 381 - 385

Book review by Jennie chapman

Life between two deaths, 1989-2001: U.S. culture in the long nineties

Pages: 385 - 390
Pages: 391 - 392