2011 - 38

Articles in this issue

'The District One Calls Home'D.H. Lawrence and Coalfield Society

Pages: 1 - 23

More Marxism than MethodismHugh Clegg at Kingswood School, Bath (1932-39)

Pages: 23 - 47

Twenty Years OnWhatever Happened to the Communist Party of Great Britain?

Pages: 47 - 72

Nina Fishman's Arthur Horner and Labour and Political Biography

Pages: 72 - 88

Book review by Nicola Wilson

Underground Writing: The London Tube from George Gissing to Virginia Woolf

Pages: 88 - 91

Book review by Andrew Thorpe

Labour and Countryside: The Politics of Rural Britain 1918-1939

Pages: 91 - 94

Book review by Stephen Woodhams

History on Our Side: Wales and the 1984-85 Miners' Strike

Pages: 94 - 99

Book review by Jason Parry

Your Britain. Media and the Making of the Labour Party

Pages: 99 - 101

Book review by Will Boisseau

Speak for Britain! A New History of the Labour Party

Pages: 102 - 104

Book review by Mike Sanders

Jazz Jews

Pages: 104 - 109

Book review by Mike Sanders

Forward Groove: Jazz and the Real World from Louis Armstrong to Gilad Atzmon

Pages: 104 - 109

Book review by Francis King

The Socialist Alternative to Bolshevik Russia. The Socialist Revolutionary Party 1921-1939

Pages: 109 - 113

Book review by Matthew Braod

Georgi Dimitrov. A Biography

Pages: 114 - 119