Greek Anarcho-Syndicalist

Book ann: Kate Sharpley Library

New pamphlet: Kostantinos Speras: The Life and Activities of a Greek Anarcho-Syndicalist by Leonardos Kottis. Edited by Paul Pomonis, Translation by JamesSotros.

Konstantinos Speras (1893-1943) was a militant worker who fought the state and the bosses. His life of struggle included many strikes and jailings and was cut short by gunmen of the Greek Communist Party.

Speras was one of the pioneers of the working class trade-union movement in Greece. He spent the biggest part of his life in prison and in exile. He fought with all his might for the emancipation of the working class, for an autonomous trade-union movement, for a society without slaves and bosses. He represented revolutionary syndicalism and as a consequence he incurred the wrath of the State and the Communist Party. He was slandered, his work and actions were distorted and eventually he was murdered, along with dozens of other working class militants, in the name of the one and only "orthodox" way to socialism.

"In Greece (like many other countries) the mythical glamour of the Russian Bolsheviks sucked many militants into the counter-productive surrender of independent thought and action to the "revolutionary" vanguard. Speras resisted that trend, and paid the price paid by so many other revolutionaries. We're happy to be presenting this pamphlet as a contribution towards telling the broader story of the anarchist struggle in Greece - and the world." - from the introduction by the KSL

ISBN 1-873605-14-5
Anarchist Library Series #13 ISSN 1479-9073
Published by the Kate Sharpley Library, Feb. 2006.
BM Hurricane, London WC1N 3XX, UK
PMB 820, 2425 Channing Way, Berkeley CA 94704, USA
Available for £3/$3 through the usual channels. Available cheap to KSL subscribers.