Anarchism and Science Fiction

'Anarchist Studies' special issue

The October 1999 issue (vol 7, no 2) of Anarchist Studies is devoted to Anarchism and Science Fiction.

This is the table of contents:

    John Moore: "Anarchy: Free Fall"
    • Lewis Call, "Anarchy in the Matrix : Postmodern Anarchism in the Novels of William Gibson and Bruce Sterling"
    • Jesse Cohn, "An Exemplary Failure : Pat Murphy's The City, Not Long After and the Dilemmas of Anarchist Utopian Fiction
    • Edrie Sobstyl, "All the Sisters of Shora : An Anarcha/Ecofeminist Reading of Slonczewski's A Door Into Ocean
    • Edward James, "A 'double-dyed distilled detractor and denigrator of decency, dignity and decorum': Eric Frank Russell as Anarchist"
    • Paul-F. Tremlett, "Borg : A Critical Encounter"
  • INDEX to vol. 7, 1999.

Posted: 9 March 2000