German Labour Movement Bibliography

Ann: new online resource from the Friedricht Ebert Stiftung

The "Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung und zur Theorie und Praxis der politischen Linken" (Bibliography of the History of the German Labour Movement and the Theory and Practice of the political Left) shows the literature published since 1976. The project was realized with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinnschaft (DFG). The monographs and articles are about the history and politics of the German labour movement and are part of the collection of the library of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Bonn. The bibliography will be found under the following url: [url][/url]

The online-bibliography follows the model of the "Bibliographie zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung" (BizGA), a yearly published bibliography in paper form. The Online-BizGA uses the systematic of the paper form of the BizGA (the systematic is shown after using the link "Sucheinstieg zur Datenbank" and pushing the button "Inhaltsverzeichnis"). It is possible to look at all titles of a systematic point or to restrict the hits by publishing year, keyword, subject word, title, organisation or person. All instructions are in German language. If there are questions, please ask the editor of the bibliography, [mailto][/mailto].