Kampf dem Hakenkreuz

Ann: FES exhibition catalogue

Kampf dem Hakenkreuz : politische Graphik des Verlags J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. im antifaschistischen Abwehrkampf ; eine Ausstellung der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung / [Hrsg.: Rüdiger Zimmermann]. - Bonn, 2007. - 70 S. : zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-89892-850-2

Under the national socialist threat in late autumn 1930 the publication profile of the publishing house J.H.W.Dietz Nachf. underwent a radical change. Brief texts opposing the NSDAP superseded long essays. Stylistic devices to illustrate this were catchy and mass influencing illustrations, drawings and a new political symbolism. Together with anti-fascist caricatures of the social democratic satiric publication Der wahre Jacob mass publications and satiric drawings form an impressive graphical ensemble that tellingly illustrates the battle of social democrats and trade unionists against the deadly threat. The exhibition displays authentic materials and reproductions. The catalogue presents artists and authors who refused to comply. The 75th anniversary of the national socialist takeover is the adequate occasion to recognise the social democratic defense.

The catalogue Kampf dem Hakenkreuz can be ordered free of charge from the Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation ([mailto]Hilke.Everding@fes.de[/mailto]).