International Newsletter of Communist Studies

Call for papers

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Contributors of the International Newsletter of Communist Studies,

As announced in our circular letter from August 2009, the contributors' guidelines are now online. Please follow these guidelines for your contributions.

The deadline for the online version of the International Newsletter's 2010 edition (no 23) is the 15th of February, 2010.

Also, it is planned to retro-digitise the paper-only editions of the Newsletter (nos. 1-13). For the start, you may find on the journal's homepage the International Newsletter of Historical Studies on Comintern, Communism and Stalinism II (1994/1995), no 5/6 as a fully searchable PDF.

With kind regards and best wishes for your ongoing projects,

Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Executive Editor
Gleb J. Albert, Assistant Editor


Dr. Bernhard H. Bayerlein
Mannheim Center for European Social Research, University of Mannheim/ Visiting Fellow/ Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschungen (ZZF), Potsdam, Germany Co-editor, Jahrbuch für historische Kommunismusforschung/ Yearbook for Historical Communist Studies
Editor, The International Newsletter of Communist Studies
Address: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES)
Universität Mannheim, 68131 Mannheim, Germany
Fone/Fax: ++ 49221422706. Postal address: Arnulfstr. 14, 50937 Köln/ Cologne, Germany
E-mail: [mailto][/mailto] or [mailto][/mailto]

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