Republic, workers and social rights in Latin America

CFP: Perseu: história, memória e política

Call for articles
Perseu: história, memória e política
Number 6, 2010 (Portuguese)

The Centro Sergio Buarque de Holanda (CSBH) was established by Fundação Perseu Abramo as a centre for Brazilian Worker's Party history and memory. It produces Perseu: história, memória e política, a history peer-reviewed journal that diffuses researches and reflexions about the left political wing in Brazil and abroad.

Perseu: história, memória e política is calling for contributions for the next number which the special thematic issue will analyze "Republic, workers and social rights in Latin America".
Articles in English, French and Spanish are welcome and will be translated to Portuguese. Full-length manuscripts should not exceed 10.000 words, including notes.
The deadline for receiving the articles and contributions is August 16th, 2010.
To submit an article or to inquire about Perseu: história, memória e política contact:
Please, help us and spread this call in your mailing lists, blogs, websites.

Dainis Karepovs

Glaucia Cristina Candian Fraccaro
Assistant Editor