Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library

No. 65, February 2011

Bulletin No. 65 (Feb 2011) of the Kate Sharpley Library is now distributed. Faithful to an anarchist tradition, it offers the maximum number of news in the minimum number of pages. News about past figures of anarchists, and in this number, apart from a text by Stuart Christie on Miguel Garcia Garcia, an important figure of Spanish anarchism, but also on the British Secret Service Agent 3004, Augustin Remiro, and other rare documents.

Table of contents:

* Ballarín Aured, Manuel. To the British Secret Service he was Agent 3004, Augustin Remiro.
* Christie, Stuart. Remembering Miguel Garcia.
* The De Luca Trilogy by Carlo Lucarelli [Review].
* Bernstein, Ethel and Arthur Katzes. Two Letters from Exiled Comrades [Anarchists deported on the Buford during the Red Scare].