Digital newspaper library of the F. Largo Caballero Foundation now available on line


In 2009, with the collaboration of Spanish Ministry of Culture, we created an on-line catalogue to grant access to the digital collections of the F. Largo Caballero Foundation’s library. Initially it was possible to access the Digital Poster Collection from UGT and similar entities published between 1937 and 2009.

During the month of March a section of the UGT and similar entities’ Digital Newspaper Library made up of diverse periodicals and magazines was completed. The application allows basic and advanced searches (through fields) and the option to read the digital issues. The digital publications format is PDF with OCR, so it is possible to find any given word within the text, in issues search.

This is the first time everyone can access to what was the “voice” of UGT from 1944 to 2000, with its different mastheads: Boletín de la Unión General de Trabajadores de España en el exilio, UGT, UGT-Informa and Unión. Former mastheads as Unión Obrera and el Boletín de UGT (1929-1939) are available on the Pablo Iglesias Foundation newspaper library web page, and the magazine Unión from the year 2000 can be found on UGT’ s web site.

Watch here the catalogue for the on-line resources of the Largo Caballero Foundation’s Library: (in Spanish)

Nuria Franco
Fundación F. Largo Caballero
C/ Antonio Grilo, 10
28015 MADRID
(34) 914229713
(34) 915477990
bibfflc [at]