SSHA Chicago 2013 - Looking to put together a session

Call for Participants

I would like to put together a session for the 2013 meeting of the Social Science History Association in Chicago, 21-24 November. I do not have a firm session topic, but in line with the conference's theme of "Organizing Powers" I have in mind a panel would look at the terrain between governing arrangements and structures of social power and the means by which insurgents may challenge such arrangements and power. The paper I would like to present would center on the letter-writing of black workers to the federal government (entitled "Engaging the State, Challenging White Supremacy: Letter-Writing and Black Working-Class Activism during the World War I Era").

I am looking for subscribers who would be interested in joining a session that could discuss matters of workers, the state, and forms of activism or resistance. If interested, please reply to me at my email address: p.taillon [at]


Paul Taillon
Senior Lecturer
Co-President (Academic), University of Auckland Branch, New Zealand Tertiary Education Union/Te Haut? Kahurangi o Aotearoa Department of History University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand
09 373-7599 x87365

p.taillon [at]

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]