Session Papers for "Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900" - 10th Swedish Economic History Meeting

Call for papers, deadline 30 April

CfP: Session Papers for “Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900”

Title of session: Singles and the Economy, 1500-1900

Organizers of Session:
Julie De Groot (Antwerp University)
Ariadne Schmidt (Leiden University)
Jacob Weisdorf (Universities of Southern Denmark and Utrecht)

Conference: 10th Swedish Economic History Meeting
Venue: Lund, Sweden
Date: 4-5 Oct 2013
Conference website:

Description of Session:
The study of single people in the past has witnessed increased attention in recent years. The two key features of the European Marriage Pattern - late marriages and high celibacy rates - resulted in large numbers of singles in early modern society. In recent research the high incidence of singles has been linked to the specific demographic and economic development that Europe went through since the Middle Ages. The goal of the session is to bring together scholars interested in any aspect of the role of singles in economic development and, conversely, the role of economic development on both the amount and share of singles in a society, and on the ways in which singles coped with economic and social change. Topics include (but are not limited to) the study of the socio-economic background of singles and the decision (or likelihood) to become one, as well as their influence on society, e.g. in terms of limiting the rates of fertility and population pressure, but also their influence on the development of new institutions (e.g. for old-age security), their role in changing investment patterns in human capital and in changes in labour markets, as well as their social and cultural status and material living arrangements.

Scholars interested in presenting their work on the session should write an e-mail, including a one-page abstract and a short cv (in PDF format), to Jacob Weisdorf (e-mail: jacobw [at] as soon as possible and no later than 30 April 2013. Notification of acceptance will be giving by mid-May.

Language of Session:

Jacob Weisdorf
Professor, PhD
Department of Business and Economics
University of Southern Denmark
Marie Curie Fellow
Department of Economic and Social History University of Utrecht

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from EH-Net]