Contemporary Anarchist Studies: New series titles and call for proposals

Announcement and call for proposals

Contemporary Anarchist Studies: New series titles and call for proposals

Flyer with cover art:

The series editors are delighted to announce the publication of four new titles in the Bloomsbury Press Contemporary Anarchist Studies book series, under a Creative Commons (2.0) License:

The Impossible Community: Realising Communitarian Anarchism
John Clark
Paperback and hardback, 1 August 2013

Making Another World Possible: Anarchism, Anti-Capitalism and Ecology in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Britain
Peter Ryley
Hardback, 12 September 2013

The Concealment of the State
Jason Royce Lindsey
Paperback and hardback, 26 September 2013

Lifestyle Politics and Radical Activism
Laura Portwood-Stacer
Paperback and hardback, 24 October 2013.…

Call for proposals

Launched in 2010, Contemporary Anarchist Studies is the first peer-reviewed monograph series in anarchist studies by a major international academic publisher. The series promotes the study of anarchism as a framework for understanding and acting on the most pressing problems of our times, showcasing research that exemplifies cutting edge, socially engaged scholarship, bridging theory and practice, academic rigour and the insights of contemporary activism.

All books published in the series are widely promoted and distributed internationally, and published under a Creative Commons (2.0) License which ensures that permission for non-commercial reproduction of the books is granted by the publishers free of charge to voluntary, campaign and community groups. The general format of the series is simultaneous hardback and paperback publication, with the latter priced affordably so as to reach as large an audience as possible.

The series editors welcome book proposals on a wide variety of subjects including, but not limited to the following: anarchist history and theory broadly construed; individual anarchist thinkers; anarchist-informed analysis of current issues and institutions; and anarchist or anarchist-inspired movements and practices. Proposals informed by anti-capitalist, feminist, ecological, indigenous, and non-Western or global South anarchist perspectives are particularly welcome. So, too, are projects that promise to illuminate the relationships between the personal and the political aspects of transformative social change, local and global problems, and anarchism and other movements and ideologies. Above all, we wish to publish books that will help activist scholars and scholar activists think about how to challenge and build real alternatives to existing structures of oppression and injustice.

All proposals are evaluated strictly according to their individual merits and compatibility with the aims of the series. In accordance with this policy, we welcome proposals from independent scholars and new authors as well as from those with an institutional affiliation and publishing record. Titles accepted for publication in the series are supported by an engaged and careful peer review process, including impartial assessments by members of an international editorial advisory board consisting of leading scholars in the field.

We are currently seeking book proposals that fit the description above. Please send proposals (using a Bloomsbury Academic Proposal Form, available for download here:…) to one or more of the series editors:

Laurence Davis, University College Cork - ldavis [at]
Uri Gordon, Loughborough University - u.gordon [at]
Nathan Jun, Midwestern State University - nathan.jun [at]
Alex Prichard, Exeter University - a.prichard [at]

We also welcome more informal inquiries.

[Cross-posted, with thanks, from RA-L]