CFP: Work and Neoliberal Ascendancy

Call for panels, deadline 13 February 2014

CFP: Panelists: SSHA - "Work and Neoliberal Ascendancy" (Abstract Deadline: 13/02)

I'm organizing a panel for the 2014 Social Science History Association in Toronto (November 6-9) concentrating on the changing understanding of work from the end of WWII to the present. This includes industrial restructuring or the global transformations of industrial capitalism as well as the role of agricultural or service labor in post/non-industrial economies. My own work concentrates on the process of industrial decentralization/restructuring in Detroit.

This panel is intended to extend the framework of labor history beyond industrial unions and industrial workers in North America and Western Europe to explore what insights labor as an analytical category can provide to globalization. Examples include: the rise of the service industry both high and low and other forms of non-industrial work; labor in global cities; labor in the Global South; the globalization of labor; outsourcing in all its forms; the precariousness of international labor forces; migration of labor and/or migrant labor; informal economies and informal or illegitimate work. How can the changing nature of work and labor help us understand globalization and neoliberalism, and where do the traditional understandings of "labor history" need to be interrogated, expanded, and complicated?

Contact Andrew Hnatow at if interested by February 13.


[Cross-posted, with thanks, from H-Labor]