Ruptures, Consolidations, Continuities: Reconsidering Global Economic Prosesses after 1945

Conference, 28-30 June 2016, Bern, Switzerland

International Conference

Hosted by
Center for Global Studies, University of Bern

Organised by
Robert Heinze (University of Bern),
Patrick Neveling (Utrecht University)

June 28th, 2016 - June 30th, 2016

Conference Venue
University of Bern
UniS, Room A 222
Schanzeneckstrasse 1
3001 Bern

This interdisciplinary, international conference will advance the debate about the periodisation of global economic processes after 1945. For this, we will bring together researchers from the social sciences and the humanities whose recent work goes beyond the predominant notion of a radical, world-historical rupture driven by crises in industrially advanced nations in the 1970s. Instead, contributors to this conference highlight the analytical gains from research and theories with emphasis on historical trajectories in the Global South, on a broader period in world history, and on analytical models of change that consider radical rupture as much as continuities and consolidations.

Speakers (in order of appearance):

Jennifer Bair (Boulder)
Alina Cucu (Berlin)
Patrick Neveling (Utrecht)
Gisela Hürlimann (Zurich)
Kean Fan Lim (Nottingham)
Leon Fink (Chicago)
Robert Heinze (Bern)
George Baca (Busan)
Catherine Schenk (Glasgow)
Rüdiger Graf (Potsdam)
Christian Gerlach (Bern)
Mallika Shakya (New Delhi)
Jefferson Cowie (Nashville)

Conference Programme (PDF, 202KB)
List of Speakers and Abstracts (PDF, 648KB)
Conference Poster (PDF, 117KB)…
