2000 - 3 (September)

Articles in this issue

Keeping the Red Flag Flying: The Electoral Success of the PDS in East Berlin

Pages: 1 - 20

Economic Development, Civil Society and Democratic Orientation: A Study of the Russian Regions

Pages: 21 - 38

Presidents and Democratization in Poland: The Roles of Lech Walesa and Aleksander Kwasniewski in Building a New Policy

Pages: 39 - 63

Explaining Different Paths of Democratization: The Czech and Slovak Republics

Pages: 63 - 84

Russia's 'Permanent' (Uninterrupted) Elections of 1999-2000

Pages: 85 - 112

The Village Votes: The December 1999 Elections in Tatarstan's Pestretsy District

Pages: 113 - 122

'Progressive' Obscurantists and Immature 'Anti-Fascist": Stalin's American Intellectual Followers

Pages: 123 - 130