1999 - 2 (August)

Articles in this issue

The Origins of Colonial Labour Policy in Late Eighteenth-Century Madras

Pages: 159 - 195

Work and Workloads during Industrialization: The Experience of Forgemen in the British Iron Industry 1750-1850

Pages: 197 - 215

Suggestions and Debates

Labour History and the Interlocking Hierarchies of Class, Ethnicity and Gender: A Canadian Perspective

Pages: 217 - 247


Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India I: Industrializing the Economy and Formalizing Labour

Pages: 249 - 300

Book review, by Leo Lucassen

Migration and Urbanization in the Ruhr Valley 1821-1914

Pages: 301 - 305

Book review, by Leo Lucassen

Mobility and Modernity. Migration in Germany 1820-1989

Pages: 301 - 305

Book review, by Catherine Collomp

Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Work: A Century of Industry and Immigrants in Paris and New York

Pages: 305 - 307

Book review, by Ronald Creagh

Seeing Like a State. How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed

Pages: 307 - 309

Book review, by Wim Berkelaar

Stalinism and Nazism. Dictatorships in Comparison. Ed. by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin

Pages: 309 - 312

Book review, by Carl Strikwerda

Sire, het volk mort. Sociaal protest in Belgie 1831-1918

Pages: 312 - 314

Book review, by Lex Heerma van Voss

Expanding Class: Power and Everydays Politics in Industrial Communities, The Netherlands, 1850-1950

Pages: 314 - 316

Book review, by W.R. Lee

Arbeiter in der preußischen Provinz. Rheinprovinz, Schlesien und Pommern 1933 bis 1939 im Vergleich

Pages: 316 - 317

Book review, by Mel van Elteren

Youth in Britain since 1945

Pages: 317 - 319

Book review, by Reinhart Kößler

Namibia under South African Rule. Mobility and Containment 1915-1946. Ed. by Patricia Hayes et al.

Pages: 319 - 322

Book review, by Tatsuya Chiba

Immigration Policy and Foreign Workers in Japan

Pages: 322 - 324


Pages: 325 - 354