2007 - 2

Articles in this issue

Is There a Glass Ceiling over Europe? Exploring the Gender Pay Gap across the Wage Distribution

Pages: 163 - 186

Do Works Councils Inhibit Investment?

Pages: 187 - 203

Complementarities in Organizational Dispute Resolution Systems: How System Characteristics Affect Individuals' Conflict Experiences

Pages: 204 - 224

Families, Human Capital, and Small Business: Evidence from the Characteristics of Business Owners Survey

Pages: 225 - 245

Product Markets and Paychecks: Deregulation's Effect on the Compensation Structure in Banking

Pages: 246 - 267

Trade Protection and Industry Wages in India

Pages: 268 - 286

[Book review of Richard B. Freeman, Joni Hersch, and Lawrence Mishel, eds., Emerging Labor Market Institutions for the Twenty-First Century]

Pages: 287 - 288

[Book review of Janice Fine, Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream]

Page: 289

[Book review of Frank A. Sloan, Jan Ostermann, Gabriel Picone, Christopher Conover, and Donald H. Taylor, Jr., The Price of Smoking]

Pages: 290 - 291

[Book review of Karen Roberts, John F. Burton, Jr., and Matthew M. Boday, eds., Workplace Injuries and Diseases: Prevention and Compensation-Essays in Honor of Terry Thomason]

Page: 292

[Book review of Joel Perlmann, Italians Then, Mexicans Now: Immigrant Origins and Second-Generation Progress, 1890-2000]

Pages: 293 - 294

[Book review of Alessandro Cigno and Furio Camillo Rosati, The Economics of Child Labour]

Pages: 295 - 296

[Book review of Ivanka Mamic, Implementing Codes of Conduct: How Business Manages Social Performance in Global Supply Chains]

Page: 297

[Book review of Wayne Vroman and Vera Brusentsev, Unemployment Compensation throughout the World: A Comparative Analysis]

Page: 298

[Book review of Mireille Kingma, Nurses on the Move: Migration and the Global Health Care Economy]

Pages: 299 - 300

[Book review of James Green, Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing That Divided Gilded Age America]

Page: 301

[Book review of James B. Jacobs, Mobsters, Unions, and Feds: The Mafia and the American Labor Movement]

Pages: 302 - 304